Summer Garden in a Bouquet


I’m lucky to have the choice of several local flower growers to buy my flowers from, together with a wholesaler of British grown flowers in the West Country. I like to have plenty of different flowers in my bouquets and to this end I quite often order my flowers by the mixed  bucket. I might ask for particular colours or I may leave the choice up to the growers. For a florist this can be quite a challenge as you never know what you’re going to get! But that’s good!



As I took delivery of a bucket full of blooms recently it struck me that the bucket contained a beautiful mix of what was best in the garden at that moment. The bouquet I made was really a representation of “the summer garden in a bouquet”. I really like this idea as it means the bouquet is full of textures, different colours, shapes and scents.



Most British flower farmers use as few chemicals as possible in growing their flowers, so their fields are always buzzing with the sound of bees and other insects pollinating the flowers. Whilst I was photographing one bouquet recently a bee flew into the flowers to collect nectar. For me that’s what it’s all about, growing beautiful blooms whilst showing respect for nature.



As the seasons change, I’m going to continue making “Garden in a bouquet” bunches getting as many different varieties of flowers and foliages into each bouquet as possible, although of course there will naturally be fewer varieties in the winter months. I think the concept could be extended into funeral and bridal work too. These could also incorporate the client’s favourite flowers for a personal touch. Winter bouquets will be full of glossy foliages and berries whilst in spring, bulbs, hellebores and twigs will prevail.